Category: News

Crema Finance raises $5.4M in private round fundraising

There’s a big news that we would like to share with all Crema audience. We are extremely excited to announce that Crema Finance just successfully…

Feel the impact of Sound ART! Event to experience Sound ART created by Tetsuya Komuro, Terada Tera, popman3580, and other unique creators! At the “RED°TOKYO TOWER”

To All Members of the Press June 15, 2022 “Sound ART Project FLUcTUS” officially launches; Waves of Light and Sound give birth to Sound ART….

PLANFT Beta is approaching; join to split a $100,000 MATIC Airdrop

As The First Global Web3.0 Social & NFT Trading Platform with NFT functional features, PLANFT embeds NFT into Web3.0 infrastructure, forming the unified Social Protocol…

The 2nd Bay Area Metaverse Conference, sponsored by Kepler Vault, was successfully held

The “2nd Bay Area Metaverse Conference” sponsored by Kepler Vault was held successfully in Shenzhen on the 10th of June, 2022. During this conference, Kepler Vault’s representative…

DHO, the dark horse of digital currency, broke 20 billion yuan in market value in a week

DHO(DAO Hyperledger Omniverse) has joined crypto market on Sunday (June 5). Its token logo features with green 3D alphabets D, H, and O, which means the…

The recently hot meta-universe aggregator – HY, I’ll take you to find out

Recently, there has been an explosion in the ecosystem of Cryptocurrency, blowing the whistle on the rise of the Resistance. The result was the start…

The Annual Earnings of Platform Coins Spiked by 1300%, “DOMINO” is Likely to Be the Optimal Investment Option.

Among the top ten cryptocurrencies by market value in 2021, Binance Coin(BNB) significantly outperformed Bitcoin and Ethereum, its two competitors, in the current year. The…

StoneDAO and CertiK reach a strategic security cooperation to jointly build a trusted blockchain ecosystem

Official news, on June 9, 2022, StoneDAO announced a strategic cooperation with CertiK, a well-known formal verification company in the United States, and will jointly…

Brand reputation building? Discussion of achieving value soar on the MetaTrads platform

MetaTrads is an emerging dark horse in the NFT trading platform. With the improvement of MetaTrads’ popularity, MetaTrads’ ecosystem has achieved sound development, and the…

The decentralized trading platform TTSSwap officially launched the T chain at 15:00 on June 5th

Official announcement: TTSSwap, the decentralized trading platform that pioneered the “one coin, one price” trading mechanism, officially launched the TTS public chain – T Chain…

DHO, The Revolutionary Alternative of Metaverse

The DAO Hyperledger Omniverse (DHO) was born to break the chains that Rousseau once mentioned — “Man is born free but everywhere is in chains.”…

The potential Web3.0 NFT Project

Unicorns is a web 3.0 NFT+Defi+DAO-Powered Social Platform Built on Binance Chain.The purpose of the project is to create an open and win-win social trading…

[Mario Battle] Create deep value coupling between traditional game industry and decentralized finance

When traditional games meet the metaverse, the traditional “Free to Play” has gradually evolved into the “Play to Earn” mode of the chain game world. This…

When Web 3.0 meets UTG UltronGlow blockchain, consensus network brings value innovation again

The scenario most easily associated with the use of blockchain technology in the Internet field is the deep integration of edge computing and blockchain. This…

Swing Era—Decentralized Blockchain Sports Competitive Traffic Platform

With the global stage of the cryptocurrency myth, the “business revolution” brought by the blockchain is gradually recognized by people, and the application of the…

Digital Circulation launches “1+9 Free Access to Parallel Public Chain” program

As the world’s first card slot, Digital Circulation (DC) is free to use; it can realise an isomorphic, heterogeneous cross-chain network ecosystem, and the development…

Solve the NFT liquidity problem to interpret the value capture road of MetEast

With the popularity of the crypto market, the market focus is no longer limited to the top mainstream currencies, but is gradually spreading to the…

On May 24th, MetaTrads held an AMA on discord

Hi, MetaTrads fans in Discord! I am Bill who represents MetaTrads in the Discord community, and we’re thrilled to have Rebecca, the Director of Marketing…

MetaTrads, A new generation of NFT trading platform

On May 20, Elliott, head of MetaTrads Asia, visited the nightshade community and held an AMA event to learn more about MetaTrads. Here is a…

BOB Sports, building a new LEGO for the block sports economy

Introduction: The BOB ecosystem will build a strong sports competition ecosystem, integrating NFT+DEFI+DAO+Metaverse+Free Agreement+Equity model, empowering global sports fans and users, and truly realizing the…

AlphaSwap Parnter Global LP seat signing ceremony was successfully held in dubai

On May 21, AlphaSwap Parnter global LP seat signing ceremony took place in dubai. Alpha Group executives, representatives of LP in eastern Europe, India, Africa…

GetDAO Platform – A Diverse DeFi Ecosystem

GetDAO is a decentralized exchange, providing liquidity and enabling peer-to-peer transactions on the Binance Network. We are currently the leading DEX on the network. The…

MoonDAO could send users to outer space with a free NFT collection

MoonDAO has purchased two tickets to space with Blue Origin and will select the astronauts through a public drawing and other contest features. Anyone can win…

When DAO Consensus Meets Chain Games - The Next Consensus Innovation of EGGDAO

With the development of blockchain technology in recent years and the upgrading of the Internet gradually becoming a reality (Web 3.0), a form of organizational…